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Meet PICCASO Privacy Awards Winner, Nader Henein

April 11, 2023

The PICCASO PrivacyAwards is delighted to name Data Protection and Privacy leader, Nader Henein as the winner of the Privacy Writer/Author Award 2023.

The prestigious award is given to sector writers whounderstand privacy implicitly, and who can demonstrate this through an outstanding book or thought-provoking, well-written articles and interviews that help educate and inform their audience.

Nader’s recognition comes off the back of a portfolio pennedin his capacity as Fellow of Information Privacy and Research VP in Data Protection and Privacy at Gartner.

In this current role, Nader leads the consultancy practice for Blackberry’s Advanced Cyber Assurance division. His focus has been on expanding the division’s portfolio; building new lines of business from the ground up, delivering offerings to demonstrate market validity and then building capacity within the team to scale.

We spoke with Nader for reaction to his win and for his perspectives as an industry expert.

Could you briefly outline your career pathway to date?

I started my career as did most of my peers as a developer. After a decade of start-ups, where my work was focused on technology and security, I joined BlackBerry. Early on in my new role I was exposed to a series of events that would set me on a career in privacy.

During BlackBerry’s meteoric boom period, governments started demanding access to customer data and that marked the start of three years of non-stop travel, making the case for individual privacy and how privacy should not be the price society pays for state security.

What does winning the award mean to you?

I have been writing on the subject of privacy for a decade,and my work at Gartner has taken that craft to a new level allowing me to focus and dive far deeper into subjects that most would skim over and move on from. This award has been a validation that I am on the right track and it gives great incentive to continue.

What are the primary challenges coming up on the data protection & privacy horizon in your sector?

Generative AI is the latest shiny object, but the adtech andmartech industry is the greatest risk to privacy today; the changes in that ecosystem will define the future of the internet and the future of data democratisation.

What do organisations need to prioritise within their data protection and privacy strategies in order to meet these challenges?

At a fundamental level organisations need to document the purposes for which personal data is collected and subsequently enforce usage of that data against those purposes. Much of what privacy regulation aims for today is focused on reversing a trend that saw data hoarded data and then used

About Piccaso

The PICCASO Privacy Awards Europe recognise the people making an outstanding contribution to this
dynamic and fast-growing sector—from the professionals ensuring their companies meet increasingly complex legal demands to the academics and engineers pushing privacy thought leadership and innovative protections forward.

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The PICCASO Privacy Awards Europe are free to enter, and you may enter as many categories as you would like.

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Entries close: 02/07/2023 at 23:59.
Shortlist announcement: Week commencing 17/07/2023.

You will be notified via email should your application be successful.